How all I got my partner for his 30th birthday was a card.


Received on the exact first minute of the day,
it was the 30th and final envelope.

6 am the day prior:
He is abruptly awakened by a bag of alarm clocks
enclosing Envelope 1, a mediocre poem and also a clue.

It leads to a day of things he's never tried before,
that he may do so before turning 30.

Cold drip coffee,
a bespoke suit,
a helicopter ride, get the idea.

Picture this:
He hands something to a Circular Quay cafe at rush hour,
the person knows exactly what to do.
30 envelopes across Sydney (inc. Penrith) in his hands, in a precise way and time.
Think of the appointments: tailor to a hangar...a delay to any would be disastrous.

Humans and timing was everything.

Businesses of all forms, hotels to adventure providers.
Asking staff to buy into a wild idea,
to do something beyond their roles for no tangible gains.
THEN, working with them through their rosters
so that the right staff at the right time
knows where and what to hand to the right man.

You see, you can’t put a price on my passion.

Yes, I have outrageous ideas.
I also make them happen.
I get people onboard.
I am an orchestrator of phenomenal experiences.

Hi, I'm Lizette and I'm looking for a job in Covid-19 times.
This is Post Three in a series of anecdotes you won't get out of a CV but tells you what makes me a great hire and addition to any team.
Originally written for a
LinkedIn Post


The day I was a hobbit and brought joy


They said I have a learning disability. They also said I'm intellectually gifted.