The day I was a hobbit and brought joy


Wishing everyone a cheery start of the week!

It was a delight, seeing people walk by glass walls of the shiny startup space
and do a double-take on the hobbit at her standing desk.
Then, the pure childlike glee in their eyes.
I think we need more of that,
some days more than others.

There was a pop culture festival on-campus where I work, so I came as a hobbit. The only other staff who came dressed up were the department running the festival.
Does that make me odd?
I think it's the world that's odd.
We are one community, it seemed logical when I made my plans.

You see, my default view is a world free of walls and that's what I continue to fight for. So I made some space invader chocolates and rocked my hairy feet.

Hi, I'm Lizette.
I bring joy.
I am crafty.
I am authentic.
I am also sometimes a halfling.

Hi, I'm Lizette and I'm looking for a job in Covid-19 times.
This is Post Four in a series of anecdotes you won't get out of a CV but tells you what makes me a great hire and addition to any team.
Originally written for a
LinkedIn Post


Not sure what cosplay is, but I'm a cosplay champion


How all I got my partner for his 30th birthday was a card.