Not sure what cosplay is, but I'm a cosplay champion

LizetteLee dressed as Russell from Up

In my last post, I shared how I came to the office as a hobbit for the pop culture festival on-campus where I work.
Well, the festival was over two days.
While I was Bilbo Baggins on Day One,
colleagues told me to join the cosplay event on Day Two.
Hey, why not? It'll be fun.

This is not my usual thing.
I don't know what "cosplay" is.
My costumes were repurposed clothes from Vinnies
and bits I craftily hacked together on the weekend prior.
I repeatedly shared my worries to my co-workers,
the real cosplayers there might judge me.
But hey, it'll be fun!

So I went and had fun.
I won.
First prize.

I was not there to compete.
I did not make a costume to compete.
I did not even know it was open to me as a staff member until the day before.
I was there with my heart to share love and joy.

But you see, I have a standard of excellence.
Even if just for the satisfaction of my own delight,
mediocrity does not run in my veins.
So, yea, I do things to have fun.
But hey, don’t forget, I’m a champion.

Hi, I'm Lizette and I'm looking for a job in Covid-19 times.

This is Post Five in a series of anecdotes you won't get out of a CV but tells you what makes me a great hire and addition to any team.

Originally written for a
LinkedIn Post


I started university at 16, was expelled by 19.


The day I was a hobbit and brought joy